Friday, November 11, 2005

Notes from Session 7: Nov 9th

- Glass [Army] Tank: Virtual Reality way of looking outside a tank by using several cameras and mirrors. Can appear to digitally remove the tank, visually and audibly.
- The God effect: There are two main operations in the brain. Self and Not Self. These can be stimulated individually by electromagnets, producing a “crowded, arguing room of all our former selves.”
- What if? Someone made a temple, powered by electromagnets, and people had “religious experiences.”

POLYLOGUE – Still ongoing. Link.
- Looked at the first ~23 messages today.
- The stretched-out time between responses is odd, that we can condense a week-long conversation to a few minutes.
- We acknowledge the “void space.”

FILTERING IDEAS (for polylogue)
- Declaring emotion or intention (Bad drama – called lip service in improv)
- Lists in script: choose one and get rid of the rest.
- Anywhere the write appears through the text (i.e. you can “hear” typing)
- If it’s your “favourite” part of the script. Murder your babies.
- Old or New ideas that fit into other projects.

- Separate identities in a conceptual void, with a later catastrophic event that creates convergence.
- Feeling of emptiness, whispering about what is happening, fragmented. NOTE: The human mind tries to make sense of things, even though they are random.
- Forced authority does not work (e.g. Tyrant), can’t force the group to do anything.
- Play does not have to be linear.
- Unidentified void, with a sense of confinement. Unidentified number of people (at least 6 or 7), No sensory information, have no idea where they are. Time and other experience are uncontained, undefined. Sensory-deprivation.
- What is this?: a moment, the first four minutes, a plot arc for the entire play, a rhythmic repetition part.

- Characters so far: Seeker, Amnesiac, Tyrant, FWO, Buddy and several anonymous. (Examined each character more by reading their line separately)
- Want to bring characters together, paradoxes are more interesting.
- Darker side to characters, almost “seek” and destroy.
- Most conscious, highly intelligent, has the longest dialogues, DOESN’T SEEM LOST.
- “Seeker”, traditionally a new age cover up for being lost.
- “I am a squirrel” – lying, delusional, mocking, manipulative. Norse mythology has a mischevious squirrel, Rukuku, who chews on the tree of life, eventually he (evil) triumphs, and the whole tree falls down. (shit-disturber)
- Is the seeker going for more drama, or for progress.
Flawed Wise One:
- short and to the point, reserved
- maternal
- holds back and thinks before speaking.
- “get things done” energy
- pushy moderator, for now.
- Not hypocritical, doesn’t break own rules.
- Chaotic, disconnected.
- No memory, but well grounded, comfortable with the conditions because they are used to it, like a blind person with the lights off.

- What if the amnesiac was Buddy’s husband (as in the letter)?

- Embryonic characters not yet developed.

- Start off dark (only voices), then at a cataclysmic event, light a match and let your eyes adjust. Does this represent a moment of collective consciousness?
- Use of mirrors as an analogue for time?
- Psychomachia concept (Adam): Book about Multiple Personality Disorder, main character explained to him by his father that mind is a mental house, and that the person who is out on the porch is just the one who is speaking. (Maybe this play is just the surface of what is actually happening).
- Maybe these people are not in the same space, but are just having a moment of shared consciousness.
- Chris Idea: Characters interact with people in the play, and realize a moment when they did their respective “time crimes.” Characters and audience work out why they are there at the same time.
o They are experiencing the past to determine why they are there.
- Are there people conscious of their own history?
- They are devoid, of time, so they can set the structure for the future.
o Responsibility, God, Insane?
- Can we split up the monologue as ideas into dialogues:
o Did this with Buddy and Seeker on the last pages. “My husband left me versus Dear Buddy”.
- How can we, as a group, electronically edit and comment on a script, while retaining who says what, and when changes were made, while still retaining artistic flexibility?
- Wiki is a document style where anyone can edit and make changes, for example Wikipedia. However, these changes are not marked individually, and we would need a special server with code running to do that.
- This blog is nice because everyone can update it, but commentary is still linear.
- Preferably we would have a non-linear editing style.

GO HOME AND POLYBLOG! Will try to do daily at 6 PM to 7 PM


Blogger Shawn said...

Here is a quotation that I found, relating to the process that we currently find ourselves engaged in. It is from Certain Fragments.

"Working in this way - around the rhythms of text that's at least half made-up on the spot he was interested in precisely those textures - of thought, repetition, self-correction, hesitation, and so on - in which speech excels and which writing can only begin to approximate."

"A concern with language then not as text then, but as event."

"Like the blurred and awful sound of people arguing in the flat downstairs, the sounds of voices gabbling madly in a party - language reduced to its raw shapes, where listening, you do not know the words but you can guess what is being spoken of."

11/12/2005 10:57 a.m.  
Blogger Dustin said...

well this is interesting looking


11/15/2005 9:47 a.m.  

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